Certified Bodybuilding & Physique Enhancement Coach


Module 1: Getting the basics on point

1. Pyramid: Optimal physique development

2. Training: Overview

  • Hypertrophy training pyramid
  • Exercise selection based on your anatomical structure & individual differences
  • Importance of exercise execution
  • In brief: Training variables & workout planning

3. Nutrition: Overview

  • Metabolism & energy systems
  • Macronutrients

4. Progress tracking

  • Check ins
  • Tracking tools
  • Estimating body fat

5. Decision making: To bulk or cut

6. Common mistakes

Module 2: Offseason

Details will be updated soon

Module 3: Contest Prep

1. Physique assessment

  • Time needed for prep
  • Choosing the right category
  • Different categories explained (Guest lecture by Steve)

2. Setting nutrition

  • Where to start: Calorie intake
  • Where to start: Macros
  • The best diet to follow
  • Nutrient timing & distribution
  • Re-feeds& diet breaks
  • How & when tomake adjustments
  • Hunger hacks

3. Managing training:

  • Where to start
  • Making adjustments
  • Managing fatigue

4. Cardiovascular training

  • Choosing the best method
  • Setting time, duration & intensity
  • Step counting

5. Peak week & Show day

6. Misc. preparations

  • Tanning
  • Make up (for women competitors)
  • Check list of packing for a show
  • Managing nutrition when travelling

6. Common mistakes everyone makes

Module 4: Post show

Details will be updated soon

Module 5: PEDS

1. Making the decision to switch to the enhanced route

  • Choosing your why
  • Main purpose of using PEDs
  • Is this lifestyle really for you
  • When to start

2. Health Management

  • Risks
  • Tools for monitoring health
  • Blood work

3. Types of PEDs

  • Androgenic anabolic steroids
  • Peptide hormones: HGH, Insulin etc.
  • SERMS & Aromatase inhibitors
  • Fat burning compounds
  • SARMS & Peptides: Should you use them or not

1. Making the decision to switch to the enhanced route

  • Choosing your why
  • Main purpose of using PEDs
  • Is this lifestyle really for you
  • When to start

2. Health Management

  • Risks
  • Tools for monitoring health
  • Blood work

3. Types of PEDs

  • Androgenic anabolic steroids
  • Peptide hormones: HGH, Insulin etc.
  • SERMS & Aromatase inhibitors
  • Fat burning compounds
  • SARMS & Peptides: Should you use them or not
  • Health management compounds

Module 6: PED planning for Men

1. Planning your first cycle

  • Which PED to choose
  • How long to run it

2. PED Periodization

  • How & when to stack PEDs
  • Idea behind it

3. Contest Prep Setup

  • Designing a contest prep cycle
  • Managing side effects

4. Misc

  • Difference between offseason &contest prep
  • How long to stay on
  • Post cycle therapy: When & how
  • TRT: When & how
  • Common mistakes & misconceptions

Module 7: PED planning for Women

1. Female Physiology

  • HPA & HPGaxis
  • Menstrual Cycle

2. Main risks for women

3. Usual practices of PED use in women

4. Framework for cycle planning

  • Non androgenic drugs
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • When to use androgenic drugs

Module 8: Case studies

  • My nutrition , training, cardio & PEDs plan explained leading upto Amateur Olympia India 2022
  • Nutrition, training & cardio plan explained for 1 of my clients.

BONUS: Guest Lecture by IFBB Pro League Judge Steve Devore

  • Different divisions explained
  • What the judges are looking for
  • How to select a division to compete in


Every week 1 interactive LIVE lecture will be conducted, which can be watched anytime as per your convenience.

Yes, the lecture will be uploaded to the website which can be watched later anytime as per your convenience. You will get access to all lectures for 12 weeks from the start of the course.

The course will be taught in a mix of English and Hindi

After every LIVE lecture there will be a Q & A session in which you can ask any questions related to the lecture. You may also ask questions related to the lectures in the private forums on the website,to which you will have 24/7 access.

You will get PDFs with each lecture. We recommend that you also make notes.

After clearing your exam, you will be awarded a certificate. Enrolling for any course does not guarantee a certification. You are required to pass the exam once the course is finished.

Anyone can join. We teach everything from scratch, so it’s fit for beginners too

We start from the basics and build your knowledge at a good pace. As a beginner, the course will be a great tool to build a strong foundation and gain in-depth knowledge. Hence, no prerequisite knowledge is required for taking the course.

Yes, 100%. The main aim of the course is to impart deep knowledge along with practicality. You can use the knowledge to improve your health & lifestyle and that of your loved ones too!

Our courses are designed by Dr Guradesh Mann who has a vast experience in the field of nutrition, training, content prep & lifestyle coaching. The courses are made keeping practicality in mind because if you cannot apply what you know, then that knowledge is useless. The courses will help you improve your client handling, results & grow your fitness business.


Regular price: INR 49,999

LIVE batch starts in 15th September 2023

SPECIAL DISCOUNT UPTO 31st August, 2023: 39,999